Friday, February 5, 2021

Just a Note!

Hi All...

I just wanted to send out a quick note stating that I am home from my follow-up visit at the University of Michigan.  My Neuro Surgeon took pictures of the aneurysm in the center of my brain and came around to my end of the OR table and said; "Good news...the aneurysm is almost gone!!!"  Which means that the coils and stent that Dr. put in the aneurysm are doing their job correctly by not letting the blood flow into the aneurysm.

Very good news indeed!  They really gave me some awful potent pain medication and other medications this time that have made me extremely groggy and I've been sleeping an awful lot.  I'm still not quite up to checking my e-mails and I'm especially not up to playing with paper yet either.  I'm hoping that the grogginess goes away real soon.  

I did have a hard time laying on the OR table as I slipped on ice the day before we left for Ann Arbor and my back was, and still is, hurting like the Dickens.  The Nurse actually gave me the rest of the medications in the syringe and that helped even more to calm my back down for the rest of my visit at U of M.  So...I think that is why I am still so groggy.

Anyways, I hope by Monday that I can go through all my e-mails and start playing with paper again.

Thanks and many blessings to everyone for all the thoughts and prayers.

Air Hugs to all.



  1. Lifting you in prayers as you endure this scary - yet hopeful - time of your recovery. Keep thinking happy thoughts of "playing with paper again"!!!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind and thoughtful comment!!! I truly believe in the power of prayer!!!
